Fabrice Bergès

Fabrice Bergès

Author and screenwriter in various media for the past ten years, I write and direct stories for television and publishing. Competent in the field of writing with extensive experience in short story/novel and screenplay writing. My industry knowledge covers creative strategy, interpersonal skills and regulatory writing methods. I particularly enjoy meeting and collaborating with new people, experimenting with new ways of telling stories and moving from one universe to another. My most recent experiences include writing for television's "Port Marianne", "Atai", writing the narrative framework for an unannounced project at Archipel Production, writing/narrative assignments for La Passerelle magazine, and writing and publishing several short stories on the Weloveword community site. My favorite worlds are fantasy, science fiction and history, regardless of format or medium. Constructing fictional worlds is one of the tasks I enjoy most in my work. Designing fictional worlds for film or publishing is one of my regular sideline activities. Over the past few years, I've also had regular opportunities to work with authors and producers, directing series and feature films, as well as in writing sessions.

Born in 1983

Instagram : @fabrice_berges_64
Film Television Comics


Search scriptwriter / Script support
Hello everyone, If you have a project (short film, feature film, TV series, novel adaptation, etc.) and would like to create and/or improve your screenplay, I can offer you my services as a scriptwriter/script doctor: spelling/grammar...